Is it possible that a simple small baby aspirin taken daily can help reduce rosacea inflammation and flushing? According to Dr. Bikowski, a small baby aspirin (81 mg) daily could be your first line of defense for reducing rosacea symptoms.
He bases his suggestion on a recent study published in the Dermatology Times that suggests potential benefits of taking a small baby aspirin (81 mg) to help reduce rosacea flushing and swelling.
He found that when you gave his rosacea patients one small baby aspirin daily - they reported fewer incidents of redness and flushing. Dr. Bikowski suggests that if aspirin therapy is safe for the heart and colon - why not the skin too? Also, aspirin is pretty safe, inexpensive, and is not contraindicated with many other drugs. Please Note: If you're not sure if aspirin is safe for you or you are taking any medications, please check with your doctor before trying aspirin therapy.
Dr Linda Sy suggests taking a baby aspirin along with antihistamines such as a 4 mg chlortimenton at bedtime. Then take a B complex that contains 50 mg of B-6 and 1 Tagament during the day time. Tagament helps block H2 receptors.
Foods To Eat For Rosacea
In addition to aspirin and antihistamine therapy, consider reducing or avoiding the following foods because they are either high in histamines, niacin, or tend to trigger rosacea flare-ups. These foods include:
-Citrus fruits
-Broad leafed beans and pods
-Soy sauce
If you do eat these foods, try taking an antihistamine and/or a baby aspirin about two hours before to help counter the effects of the histamine or niacin contained in these foods.Click here to read more on Diet For Rosacea. - 32378
He bases his suggestion on a recent study published in the Dermatology Times that suggests potential benefits of taking a small baby aspirin (81 mg) to help reduce rosacea flushing and swelling.
He found that when you gave his rosacea patients one small baby aspirin daily - they reported fewer incidents of redness and flushing. Dr. Bikowski suggests that if aspirin therapy is safe for the heart and colon - why not the skin too? Also, aspirin is pretty safe, inexpensive, and is not contraindicated with many other drugs. Please Note: If you're not sure if aspirin is safe for you or you are taking any medications, please check with your doctor before trying aspirin therapy.
Dr Linda Sy suggests taking a baby aspirin along with antihistamines such as a 4 mg chlortimenton at bedtime. Then take a B complex that contains 50 mg of B-6 and 1 Tagament during the day time. Tagament helps block H2 receptors.
Foods To Eat For Rosacea
In addition to aspirin and antihistamine therapy, consider reducing or avoiding the following foods because they are either high in histamines, niacin, or tend to trigger rosacea flare-ups. These foods include:
-Citrus fruits
-Broad leafed beans and pods
-Soy sauce
If you do eat these foods, try taking an antihistamine and/or a baby aspirin about two hours before to help counter the effects of the histamine or niacin contained in these foods.Click here to read more on Diet For Rosacea. - 32378
About the Author:
Learn more about Diet for Rosacea and Foods to Eat for Rosace. Stop by Linda Robison's site where you can find out all about Wrinkle Free Skin Tips and what it can do for you.